How to Use Google Drive|How to Free Up Space From Google Drive 2023

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If you are using Google or any of its services, you have definitely heard the name of Google’s best cloud services, Google Drive; but now the first question comes in mind that how does Google Drive works? In this following article we will know How to Use Google Drive & how do i use google drive with Gmail.

How to Use Google Drive
Google Drive

Firstly we will learn the basics of what is google drive and what is the commonly used for the same.

Google Drive is one of the most popular cloud service in the world which was more reliable and secure. In fact, If anyone have a Google account, then google provides automatically a google drive account. In short This means that if you have a google account, so you don’t have to arrange a separate account for your online storage. This makes your storage experience more and you can easily upload and share files online.

Before going further for knowing about How to Use Google Drive, firstly we have to get the knowledge about Google Drive.

What is Google Drive?

What is Google Drive and how it works? This is very common question for new user for the same. In General words Google Drive is a cloud storage service which stores data at cloud server, its main function is to release some load from your hard disk drive.

Procedure of Cloud storage by uploading your own personal files to its own google remote servers @“cloud”, which freeing up space on your computer automatically. This uploading process free up more space on your devices for more other important things, like installing other large applications,software’s and multilevel games.

Google Drive Files Uploading
Google Drive Files Uploading

Everyone knows that Google Drive also one of the best cloud services for sharing any files ,folders, docs, large videos file etc. These all things possible due to its highly personalized sharing options. You can set permissions during share files on Google Drive, you can also describe permissions for each person.

After Knowing lot of things about Google Drive, this means that if your working of online platform, then its the best solution for using Google Drive, especially if you need to work together with your colleges on a online google drive saved files of Google Docs files.

After took knowledge about “What is google drive”, next we have to know about “How to use Google Drive”.

How to Use Google Drive:

First most important things for using a Google Drive, We have a valid and working Gmail account. If you have not gmail account, so you have to create it by reading our this article. In this article you will get all information about How to create new Gmail account.

If you don’t have Gmail account follow some steps which are as follows:-

Gmail id creation
Gmail id creation
  • Here enter all required information and click on Next button.
  • When your gmail id created, login it and now open Google Drive by following link.

After opening Google drive you may see these options. You can select options and choose them according to your requirement. you can select upload files, upload folder, Create new folder etc.

In New Google drive Google provide 15GB free space to all new users. You can use your free 15GB cloud storage in your own way. How to Use Google Drive

Google Drive Options
Google Drive Options

There are many ways to access Google Drive. Your first probably way through the Google Drive website. By accessing website, you can download its desktop client version, which called “Backup and Sync from Google.”

You can also use Google drive from mobile phone by download Google Drive mobile app from Play store to keep & secure your important files, photos, docs, videos. Let’s take a look at all of these individually.

Further in this post we show you How to Use Google Drive.

How to Use Google Drive By Web Browser

For accessing Google Drive in your computer web browser, you have to click on and log in with your account credentials which you have just created.The design and layout of the website quite is clean and very user friendly.

We have found there lots of white space to help you look easily to important features. On the left side of the screen we found home button to a navigation bar where we can access Google Drive’s various easy and working tabs.

Google Drive Dashboard for working in it
Google Drive Dashboard

In this Google drive dashboard we found all tabs and options. We can implement it according to our requirement. We could add our any files, folders, docs or large size video files.

After adding any files, next step is, we have to create sharing link by right click on your file then select Get link option.

Create Sharable Link on google drive
Create Sharable Link

After clicking on Copy Link, Shareable link has been generated and copied also. Now we can easily share this link to anyone instead of files or folders. We can add or share 15GB space files or docs by using Google Drive Cloud space.

According to this post we can easily got the answer of How to Use Google Drive and its working process.

How to Free Space from Google Drive

After Using Google Drive on regular basis, Its Space getting full day by day. So we have to mention it regularly by own efforts. Its mandatory operation, because if we don’t do that then our drive became full and we don’t use it in proper manner.

For More effectively use of Google Drive & free up its space, we have to follow some steps for the same:

  • First of all select files or folder which you want to Remove.
  • Then Right click on that files or folder and select last option which was Remove.
Delete Content From Google Drive
Delete Content From Google Drive
  • After clicking on Remove button, your content was completely removed from Google Drive.
  • According to this method we can free up space from Google Drive easily and start our work without any hurdles.
Google Drive Content
Google Drive Content

Note:- Before Deletion any content from the Google Drive, make sure that your content is not usable, Because it is not reversal process.

Hope! you will get all important knowledge about “How to Use Google Drive|How to Free up Space from Google Drive” and you done it very well!!

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